Not everyone loves to parallel park. But what if we designed a car that not only helps you find the right size parking space, but also automatically steers itself in for a perfect park?
· Ultrasonic sensors on the sides, front and rear bumpers of the vehicle ‘search’ for parking spaces on either side of the road that are big enough to parallel park your vehicle.
· The sensors are always passively scanning spaces, so if you activate the system after you’ve just passed a good parking spot, it will let you know.
· When the right-size space is found, you’ll hear an alert and instructions will appear on your display screen telling you where to position the vehicle to begin the park.
· In narrow streets, the system detects and rejects spaces where the turn required to park could cause a collision with vehicles on the opposite side of the street.
· A combination of your vehicle’s EPAS (electric power-assisted steering) and sensors are used to steer the vehicle safely and perfectly into place.
Take your hands off the steering wheel and just work the forward and reverse gears, accelerator and brake. You can take control of the park at any time by taking hold of the steering wheel.